Install the chat widget on a website

Installing a chat widget on a website usually takes no more than 5 minutes. In most cases, it doesn’t require any technical skills. If you face difficulties while installing Chaport, please text us via the chat. We’ll be happy to help!


In this article, we will cover the following topics:

Finding out which platform a website is built on

First, you need to identify a platform your website is built on (e.g. WordPress, Joomla, etc.). You can ask your programmer about it.

You can also find it out by yourself:

  1. Follow the link:
  2. In the input field, enter your website URL and click on Lookup.
  3. You will see your website platform in the “Content Management Systems” section.

If you have managed to identify a website platform, you have a CMS-based website.

If the “Content Management Systems” section is not displayed, most likely your website is custom-made.

Installing Chaport on a CMS-based website

To learn how to install the chat on a CMS-based website, please go to a corresponding article:

If your CMS is not listed here, you can do the following:

  1. Go to Settings → Installation Code.
  2. Copy the installation code.
  3. Google “How to add JavaScript to
    <CMS name>
    ” (instead of the
    <CMS name>
    please enter your CMS name).
  4. Insert the installation JavaScript code by following the instructions described in the article you found.

You can also install Chaport on your website using Google Tag Manager.

If you didn’t manage to install the chat on your website, text us via the chat. We’ll be happy to help!

Installing Chaport on a custom-made website

Go to Settings → Installation Code, copy the installation JavaScript code and paste it into your website code before the closing


You can also install Chaport on your website using Google Tag Manager.

If you don’t know how to do this, ask your programmer to help you.

If you have any difficulties, text us via the chat. We’ll be happy to help!