Chat ratings

The Chat Ratings feature allows you to send your visitors a survey asking them to rate their chat experience on a five-point scale using emojis.

The chat ratings survey is sent to visitors after closing the chat provided that the following conditions are met:

  • The last message is sent by an operator or a visitor (not a chatbot).
  • The chat length is over 300 characters.
  • The chat rating survey hasn’t yet been sent to a visitor within the current chat session.
  • The chat is closed within three days of the last reply.

Once a visitor rates a chat, you will see the corresponding emoji next to a visitor’s name in the chat list.

To enable Chat Ratings, go to Settings → Chatbots → Chat Ratings and turn on the setting “Suggest to rate a chat after closing the chat”.

You can also check the overall customer satisfaction and chat ratings of each operator in the Chat Ratings report.