Publish your FAQ portal

An FAQ portal is a public knowledge base that contains all your FAQ articles (excluding private articles that are only accessible to operators).

To allow your visitors to access your FAQ portal, you need to publish it. To do so, go to Settings → FAQ and turn on the “Published” setting.

If you want to make your FAQ visible to search engines, you can turn on the “Visible to search engines” setting.

By default, your FAQ portal will be hosted on our subdomain, i.e., You can change the part of the URL after with any other value if it’s not already taken by another user. To find the default URL for your FAQ, go to Settings → FAQ. You can share this link with your customers or add it to your website.

In the header of your FAQ portal, you can place the “Go to website” link leading to your website. To add the link, enter your website URL in the “Link to your website” field.

Setting up a custom domain

If you want to use a different URL for your FAQ portal, you can set up a custom domain. To configure the custom domain, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings → FAQ.
  2. Specify the custom domain you want to use. For example, if your company domain
    is, you can create a subdomain for your FAQ portal.
  3. Log in to your domain host and add this DNS record for your new subdomain:
    CNAME (If you use Cloudflare DNS, make sure that your CNAME flattening is set up only for your root domain. For more details, please refer to the Cloudflare Docs.)
  4. Done!

Please note: DNS caching usually occurs at multiple levels, which can cause a delay in updating DNS records.

If, after adding the DNS record, your FAQ portal is not available on your new subdomain and you want to check if your configuration is correct, you can do it on Enter your FAQ’s domain and click Search. If you see next to at least one of the DNS servers, then your DNS configuration is most likely correct. However, it may take some time until DNS changes propagate to all locations.